Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Recommendation #2: Efficient Vehicle Incentives

This blog provides a broad overview of the second of 10 recommendations from the Draft Kauai Energy Sustainability Plan ("the Plan"). Please review each post and comment on those recommendations that are of most interest to you. Note that the comment period is open through February 16th. If you would like to comment to Doug Hinrichs personally, please e-mail dhinrichs@sentech.org or call 301-219-7647. Mahalo!

To view the entire recommendation in the text of the Plan, please visit: http://www.kauainetwork.org/get-involved.asp.

The second recommendation, which relates to ground transportation, is detailed below.

1 comment:

  1. Though I support a conversion to electric vehicles, I have concerns about this proposal, as it takes money away from low income residents and gives it to those who can afford a new vehicle. Further, is there potential for abuse if someone can buy a vehicle on Kauai for 1-2K less than a neighbor island? Is this an appropriate measure or is it better left for federal level incentives?



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- Limit your comment to the topic of the blog. If there is another topic that you would like to blog about, please request a blog by e-mailing Doug Hinrichs (dhinrichs@sentech.org)
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